Exceptional Energy Solutions

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Exceptional Energy Solutions

We offer electricity, natural gas, and renewable solutions. Whether it’s for your home or business, VIA is ready to help with your energy solutions.

Rated 5 out of 5 on Google Reviews

Exceptional Energy Services

Whether it’s for your home or business, VIA is ready to help with your energy solutions.

Rated 5 out of 5 on Google Reviews

Exceptional Energy Services

In addition to our team’s vast experience in the energy sector, we believe in earning our clients’ trust each and every day. Delivering outstanding service is the cornerstone to our success and the pillar on which we have built our organization. Service isn’t something we offer in hopes of selling a product. Our product is service, and we want you to judge us from the very first call.

Electricity Solutions

We offer electricity supply solutions to help you meet your budgetary goals while controlling risk. Whether you are a large factory looking to take advantage of off-peak electricity prices or a mom and pop business simply looking for a fixed rate, we have a solution for you.

Fixed-rate electricity supply

Index-following power supply

Custom, hybrid electricity products

Natural Gas Solutions

We offer natural supply solutions designed to help your organization control costs. With U.S. natural gas becoming a globally-traded commodity, price swings are ever-present in the market. Our team of natural gas experts can help advise you when to hedge.

Fixed-rate gas supply

Market-following gas supply

Custom, gas hedge products

ESG Advisory

ESG initiatives are more important than ever. With large organizations looking to reduce their environmental impact, the energy bill is the first place to turn. Our experts can help source renewable projects and green power supply to help you achieve your ESG goals.

Renewable project sourcing

100% green power supply

Construction management services


As renewable power sources become more prevalent in the marketplace, our clients turn to us for expert counsel. We have a deep understanding of the renewable solutions that are driving the market today and can help guide you through your projects.

Solar Energy

Wind Energy

EV Charging


Did you know that on average over 80% of commercial and industrial businesses are overbilled regularly on their utility bills? Our utility bill audit service will help you to uncover errors, overbilling, and misclassifications. We will get you back the money you deserve all on a contingency fee basis.

Historical Utility Audits

Billing Error Refunds

Ongoing Monitoring


Through our partnership with Fastrac Solar, we are offering solar solutions to both residential and commercial customers. Solar is a great opportunity to reduce energy costs, take advantage of tax credits, and support the environment.

Energy Savings

Monetary Incentives

100% Financing


Through our partnership with Fastrac Solar, we are offering solar solutions to both residential and commercial customers. Solar is a great opportunity to reduce energy costs, take advantage of tax credits, and support the environment.

Monetary Incentives

Energy Savings

100% Financing


Through our partnership with Fastrac Solar, we are offering solar solutions to both residential and commercial customers. Solar is a great opportunity to reduce energy costs, take advantage of tax credits, and support the environment.

Interested In An Energy Evaluation?

The first step in controlling energy costs is to make an effective plan. Our advisors can help.